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  • Writer's pictureelly anderson

Sharing is caring, unless it’s disease: How to combat consumerism whilst rejecting a dull wardrobe

Updated: Oct 1, 2021

Most of us fashion obsessed kids, found ourselves rummaging around in our mothers wardrobes... shhh. Truly embodying the phrase, "fashion is a costume" that i would recite when i got older, i wanted be an adult. I found the bulk

of my style in my teenage years, what Lorde proclaimed reigns true, "I knew that teenagers sparkled. I knew they knew something children didn’t know, and adults ended up forgetting. Since 13, I’ve spent my life building this giant teenage museum, mausoleum maybe, dutifully wolfishly writing every moment down, and repeating it all back like folklore. And now there isn’t any more of it". I'm near the end of my teenagedom yet i've kept that desire to share my mother's things (i'm not sure how fond she is of it but she's sharing with my sister now hehe). My room has turned into the walk-in-wardrobe i adored, that my mother possessed; fashion is everywhere in this room. I've only been living in this room for a little over a year yet it feels like the essence of the teenage room i so desired from ages 12-18. I feel a tad bit of shame sharing

that a lot of the things in this room have not been accumulated over those 6 years but i'm not letting them go anytime soon. I've internalised a tweet that said something along the lines of, "when you turn twenty you allow yourself to like what you did when you were a kid".

In the era of technology and we were able to document the highs of teenagedom on our stories whilst the lows were crammed in the dms. This constant accessibility altered our relationship with materialism. We are the NOW generation after all. We are conditioned to believe that we need it all. it's capitalist propaganda despite the fact that shopping is fun. So the solution? Shop elsewhere and be unconventional about it. Welcome in the warmth of winter by layering your summer pieces. or your sisters skirt and your mother's sunglasses. Delve into your wardrobe (and memories) by repurposing your high school skirt. Resist the urgency and take your time trying on different iterations of outfits.

This outfit is a perfect example of layering. Typically when thinking of winter laying, one thinks of a jumper under a coat. She has used her summer skirt over tights. The sheer tie top proba

by laying, you're creating a unique style. in addition, you are making the most of your items.

I saw one of my favourite influencers, Macy Eleni, thrift this gorgeous top that looks liked a jean skirt which gave me the idea to use one of my danim skirts as a strapless top and i love it. I always feel like i need more tops that have more texture and this is the perfect solve. why don't you try and turn your skirt into a new strapless top.

For more ideas like these:

Check out this article on StyleCaster that includes 47 other ideas that deconstruct the "fashion rules".

Thank you for reading lovelies and remember "There are no rules in fashion, except one: recycle your clothes". Kisses xx

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